Financial Coaching

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We provide Financial Coaching to empower people and business towards financial success! Note we don't provide Financial Counselling or Financial Advice.




If you're having trouble managing money, it's probably because you've never been taught!

Our financial management program teaches people and business how to control their finances using our This Is How To Budget budgeting application and method  which we developed and use ourselves.

Learn to budget, structure finances and manage spending towards being in financial control and reaching financial goals. Keep track of your overall financial position and targets with ease.



One of the best investments you can make is in your own financial education!

Our financial education program provides people and business with the economic understanding needed to to make informed financial decisions towards protecting and building wealth.

Our economy functions similar to a game with rules that need to be understood to play successfully. Understanding the rules, forces and hazards will equip you to make wiser financial choices.



A financial coach does for your finances what a personal trainer does for your strength and fitness!

Our financial management and education programs are supported with ongoing coaching as needed to reinforce learning, encourage behavioural change and help people to stay on track. 

We're available to discuss any issue and will assist with general advice and referrals if we can't help directly. We're also available for workshops, presentations and speaking engagements.


Luke Weber

Director and Financial Coach

Luke qualified as an electrical engineer in 2000 and worked full-time until 2009 where in the wake of the global financial crisis and in feeling unfulfilled Luke left employment to take a break which lead to starting a business. Little was Luke to know this was the beginning of his self-described financial education and a tumultuous journey through times of affluence, success, failure and severe financial hardship.

Through this experience Luke formed a unique understanding of the monetary system its flaws and relationships with the economy, humanity, the environment, spirituality and wealth. In seeking a world where all may equally prosper, Luke now empowers people and business with his financial knowledge towards their financial success. Luke has previously worked as a financial counsellor.


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